Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas

Sorry this BLog is a little late, My house exploded after christmas, I really wanted to be the ambitious type that put the tree down and moved on with life, but I just had enough time to put the toys away. The tree will wait til next week. My little angel baby is turning out to be not such an angel at night. She refuses to sleep in a bassinette, and will only sleep when I hold her. Each night I fight her to sleep on her own for about 2 hours and then I cave, and we move to the couch so that I can function the next day. At least I have 6 more weeks to get her sleeping better.
Santa found us, again. Santa brought Megan a pink jeep, and Sarah got a Bumbo seat. Santa came to me and Wes early this year, we bought a larger trailer this fall, since we outgrew our trailer "Team Dirty", now that we have 2 kids.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you guys had a Merry Christmas. That new baby is just precious... can't wait to see her! It took Jensyn a while to adjust to the sleeping stuff too, he had his days and nights all mixed up. Good luck I sure hope it gets better!
