I managed to accomplish one thing this month, well Sarah did. My new uber successful potty-training techniqe sit on the couch and sleep, while you let your 2 year-old run around naked and eventually she gets it. It is actually cheaper to buy panties than pull-ups, seriously. This only took 3 weeks and Sarah is trained. Don't worry, I did get my carpets cleaned.
This is B0-bo in a towel, cuz that is all we did this month.

So not much has happened in January. Work was quite busy for both of us. Usually I enjoy getting cut (called off) one shift a week, but not only in addition to working all my shifts for the month, I picked up 2 extra and was on-call an extra 10 hours a week, oh and as for the pay checks, extra shifts are paid at time and 1/2, but by the time the government takes its share, it really has no financial benefit to work extra. Luckily things are back to normal for me, and for my kids, yeah I was just a little on edge.... We really didn't do much. I just moped around in my jammies and so did the kids.
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