Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year

We survived 2009. It was a really good year. Sarah is now 6 weeks old, and these are her 6 week pictures. My new Year Resolutions this year are: I have slowly began to notice that what I call "indepedence" in Megan is more like stubborness. In an attempt to make my life easier and prepare her for interacting with others, we are going to work on minding mom and dad. Goal #1 Dinner time. I really don't believe in making kids clean their plates, I do however want Megan to sit and eat with me and Wes at meals. So far this year it has worked out. I need to have a meal ready when she is hungry and prepare something that she will eat. (she has had the frozen corn-on-the-cob 3 0ut of 4 nights this week.) We are also working on picking up and not whining. Goal #2 get Sarah on a schedule. Meg was on a schedule and really was a good baby, Sarah is still learning. There are my usuall goals of being on time and of course financial freedom. We actually started this financial goal back in the summer, Wes and I upped our life insurance this summer and revamped our financial plans. P.S. we really like our financial planner and feel that his plan was really easy to work with. We are 1 month away from having no credit card debt, and no vehicle debt. If you want the name of our financial planner, let me know, He really was great to work with. His theory was not to change our lifestyle, just make sure that we could keep it up, life, death, or disibility.


  1. I love you being on maternity leave! Means lots more posts...I love them. Sarah is adorable! Getting cuter and cuter every day.

  2. Way cute! We still need to see her... maybe one of these days mine and brady's schedules will work out to where we can! :)

  3. Michelle, Congratulations! Your little girl is adorable. I just had my 2nd boy Dec 2nd Rhett Scott Poole. It was fun to read your blog. Looks like you had a great year. My blog is
