Sunday, February 21, 2010

catching up

Alot has been happening in the last 2 weeks. First Megan and Sarah had well checkups. They are both healthy and on track with their milestones.
Sarah at 2 months Weight 12# 7oz (85%)
Height 22 1/2 inches (50%)
Megan at 3 years Weight 31# (59%)
Height 37 1/2 inches (57%)
Megan celebrated her 3rd birthday at Chuckie Cheeses with her cousins. We had a great time, although it was incredibly busy. Megan is a little chatterbox. The only downfall is that she has picked up some choice words. Why is it that the words she speaks the most clearly are the swear words? It really is only 2 words, the darn-it word, and my favorite one she created on her own, "butt-a**", yes it is a hyphenated word when she says it. We are really working on this........
Valentines day was always my favorite holiday, Megan's daycare had a Valentine party and exchanged valentines, Megan loved it. Wes and I decided to buy our own valentine gift and tell the other person thank you. I guess it is better to get something that you will enjoy, and not be suprised then vise versa. So, Thanks for my big framed picture of the girls, Wes, and you're welcome for your new chip for your truck. Lastly, I returned to work. YAY! I wasn't as nervous to go back this time because I knew that Wes could handle it, and recently Sarah has become a happier baby. She has the most contagious smile. It has been kinda rocky this time around only because Sarah doesn't sleep quiet as well as Megan did, Sarah is sleeping 7 hours in a row at night, but it is the wrong hours, she wakes up at 4 am. With time and when we we start solids (I hope)she will sleep better.

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